Coffee Glossary

A comprehensive guide to terms and common expressions used in the world of coffee.
Whether you are a coffee enthusiast at the bar, a coffee lover at home or simply curious, here you will find everything you need to enrich your knowledge and appreciate this extraordinary drink even more.

From the different varieties of coffee and cultivation methods, to the roasting and grinding techniques, to the preparations and most famous mixtures, together we will discover a vocabulary full of specialized terms.

Explore the glossary and be inspired by the magic of coffee. Whether you are a novice or an expert, we hope that this glossary is a useful resource and that it accompanies you through every cup of coffee you enjoy.
Happy exploration and good coffee!


A  B  C  D  E  F  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V   Z   


  • Acidity: refers to the taste sensation that is felt when drinking the coffee. Although the word "acidity" may sound like something negative, it is actually a positive and desirable aspect of coffee flavor. Acidity can vary in intensity and quality, but in general, it refers to the sensation offreshness, liveliness and fruity acidity that you feel when you drink it. It is the result of the high content of organic acids present in coffee, such as chlorogenic acid, citric acid and malic acid. Good acidity can give coffee a balanced and vibrant taste, while low acidity can make coffee taste bland and monotonous. However, excessive acidity can also make the coffee too acidic or harsh. It can be influenced by terroir, coffee variety and degree of roasting.
  • Aeropress: is a coffee brewing device that uses air pressure to produce a cup of coffee. The brewing process involves adding ground coffee to the extraction chamber, brewing the hot water, mixing, and applying pressure with a piston to push the water through the coffee and filter it into the cup below. The AeroPress produces a clean, bright tasting cup of coffee and is known for its portability and ease of cleaning.
  • Alkaline: the alkaline flavor of coffee is less common than other flavors such as acidity, bitterness or sweetness. An alkaline drink has a pH above 7, which means it has a lower concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) than the concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-). In other words, an alkaline coffee has less acidity than a coffee with a pH lower than 7. There are some factors that can affect the presence of the alkaline flavor in coffee, including the type of bean used, the degree of roasting and the preparation method . For example, Robusta coffee beans tend to have a more alkaline flavor than Arabica coffee beans. Additionally, a lighter roast can increase the acidity of the coffee, while a darker roast can decrease the acidity and increase the alkaline flavor.
  • Amabile: describes a coffee that has a sweet, smooth and delicate flavor with low acidity. It is characterized by a soft and pleasant sensation in the mouth, without the presence of bitter or astringent notes. It can be associated with a light degree of roasting and a low level of acidity.Typical of Arabica grown below 1200 metres.
  • Bitterness: can be caused by different factors, such as the type of bean, the roasting and the preparation method. Coffee beans that are roasted longer tend to taste more bitter than those that are roasted less. Additionally, using too hot water or too fine a grind can cause more bitter compounds to be released during coffee extraction.
  • Arabica: One of the two main species of coffee plants grown commercially. It is native to East Africa, but today it is cultivated in many other parts of the world , including South America, Central America, Asia, and other parts of Africa. The Arabica coffee plant has slow growth and requires a stable climate, with moderate temperatures, abundant rainfall and fertile soil. Arabica coffee is appreciated for its delicate and aromatic flavour, with a lively acidity and a sweet and fruity aftertaste. It also has a lower amount of caffeine than the other main coffee species, Robusta.
  • Aroma: refers to the olfactory sensations that can be perceived when smelling freshly brewed coffee. Aroma is an important characteristic of coffee and can vary depending on the variety of coffee beans, the roasting method, the freshness of the coffee and the preparation technique used.The aroma of coffee can be described as floral, fruity, spicy, herbaceous, roasted, chocolatey or vanilla, among others. Aroma is often evaluated in combination with the taste and texture of the coffee to evaluate the overall quality of the coffee. A pleasant, intense aroma can help make the coffee drinking experience more enjoyable.
  • Astringent: a coffee flavor attribute that refers to the perception of a dry, tannic taste in the beverage. It can be caused by dark roasting or prolonged infusion of coffee.


  • Blend: is a practice in which different types of coffee are mixed to create a blend with a unique and balanced taste. This is made by combining coffee beans from different geographic regions or varieties of coffee plants. The goal is to obtain a desired aromatic and taste profile, exploiting the unique characteristics of each coffee. Manufacturers use specific recipes or proportions to create their blends, which can be suitable for different preparations such as espresso or filter coffee. In summary, coffee blend is a blend of coffee that offers a balanced and complex taste.
  • Blooming: is an essential phase in the coffee preparation process in which a small amount of hot water is poured over the ground coffees. This allows carbon dioxide to escape and prepares the coffee for optimal extraction. Blooming encourages greater extraction of the desired compounds and a more balanced drink in terms of flavour. It is considered important for obtaining a good cup of coffee, especially with brewing methods that require precise control of extraction.
  • Bouquet: refers to the set of aromas and flavors that can be perceived when tasting the coffee. These can vary greatly depending on the coffee variety, growing conditions, region of origin, roasting and extraction method, and other factors. It can include floral, fruity, spicy, herbaceous, chocolatey, toasted notes and many others. professional coffee tasters evaluate the Bouquet based on its intensity, complexity and harmony, trying to identify the different flavors and aromas present in the coffee and describe them precisely. The coffee bouquet is one of the most important aspects of its qualitative evaluation, and can make the difference between a mediocre coffee and an excellent one.
  • Brew ratio: is the rcontribution between the quantity of water and the quantity of ground coffee used during preparation. It can influence the taste and the strength of the final drink. A higher brew ratio produces a more diluted drink, while a lower brew ratio produces a more concentrated drink. The brew ratio is just one of the factors that influence the result of the coffee, along with others such as the grind, the water temperature and the contact time between water and coffee.


  • Coffee: it is one of the most loved and consumed drinks in the world. It is obtained by roasting and grinding the beans from the coffee plant, belonging to the Rubiaceae family of the Coffea genus, and subsequently extracted through infusion or percolation. This drink stands out for its unmistakable aroma and caffeine content, which gives stimulating effects. Thanks to its vast popularity, coffee can be enjoyed in different variations, such as espresso, filter coffee, cappuccino and caffè macchiato, each with its own unique and peculiar characteristics.

  • Filter coffee: is a method of brewing coffee in which hot water is passed through a mixture of ground coffee placed in a filter paper. This process extracts the flavor and oils of the coffee more delicately than other methods such as espresso, creating a less concentrated but still aromatic and tasty. Filter coffee is often associated with a slightly acidic, clean flavor, thanks to the filtration of sediment and oils that may be present in other coffee brewing methods.
caffè filtro
    • Caffeine: is an alkaloid naturally present in coffee and in many other plants such as tea, cocoa and mate leaves. In coffee, caffeine is found within the coffee beans and is extracted during the brewing process when brewing the coffee. Caffeine has a stimulant effect on the central nervous system and can increase concentration, alertness and resistance to fatigue. The caffeine content in coffee varies depending on the coffee variety, cultivation method, roasting and preparation. In general, Arabica coffee contains less caffeine than Robusta coffee and decaffeinated coffee undergoes a caffeine removal process to reduce its content.
    • Chemex: is a filter coffee maker characterized by an elegant and functional design. It consists of a glass container with a wide neck, a conical paper filter and a pouring spout. The brewing process involves placing ground coffee into the filter and slowly pouring hot water over it. The Chemex extracts the desired aromas from the coffee, retaining the sediments. It is appreciated for its aesthetics and ability to produce a balanced coffee without bitterness.
    metodo estrazione chemex
    • Bean:  is the seed contained within the fruit of the coffee plant. It is oval in shape and has a size that varies from 5 to 10 millimeters in diameter. Each seed is wrapped in a thin silver film, called parchment, which in turn is covered by a sugary film called mucilage. Most coffee beans contain two adjacent seeds, which are split during the manufacturing process. The coffee bean is the main raw material for the production of coffee and contains a mixture of chemical compounds that give it its unique organoleptic characteristics.
    • Coffee Belt: term referring to the geographical area between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, where coffee plants grow. This region is characterized by a hot and humid climate, with average temperatures of 25-30°C and abundant rainfall throughout the year, ideal conditions for growing coffee. The "coffee belt" includes countries such as Brazil, Colombia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Indonesia and Vietnam, which are among the largest coffee producers in the world.
    • Coffea: is a genus of plant belonging to the Rubiaceae family, which includes approximately 100 species of small trees and shrubs originating from tropical and southern regions of Africa, Madagascar and Asia. Among the most important Coffea species for the production of coffee are the Coffea Arabica and the Coffea Canephora, commonly known as Coffea Robusta.
    • Cold Brew: cold brew is a method of preparing coffee that involves cold extraction . The ground coffee is steeped in cold water for an extended period of time, 12 to 24 hours, to extract the flavors and oils. The resulting drink is smooth, sweet and less acidic than hot coffee. Cold brew is known for its low acidity and is prized for its sweetness. It can be served neat, diluted or over ice for a refreshing drink.
    metodo di preparazione Cold brew
      • Body: sensation of roundness, fullness and density that is perceived in the mouth during tasting. This characteristic is influenced by several factors such as roasting, coffee variety and preparation method. In general, coffees with a fuller body tend to have a more intense and persistent flavour, while light and delicate coffees tend to have a fuller body light. The body of the coffee is an important characteristic in evaluating the quality of the coffee and can influence the choice of the preferred preparation method.
      • Cupping: is a professional tasting practice to evaluate the sensory quality of coffee. It involves grinding the beans, infusing them with hot water, and tasting the coffee. During cupping, the aroma, flavor, body and other characteristics of the coffee are evaluated. This standardized method is used to evaluate the quality and characteristics of different coffee lots in the industry.



      • Dallah: is a type of traditional coffee maker used in the Middle East to prepare Arabic coffee . It has a flared shape with a long, thin spout and a heat-resistant handle. The Dallah is usually made of brass or copper and is considered an object of great cultural and traditional value in Arab households. Brewing coffee with Dallah is an important social ceremony in which coffee is served in small glasses and offered to guests as a symbol of welcome and hospitality.
      dallah caffè arabo
        • Decaf: is a variety of coffee in which most of the caffeine has been removed. The decaffeination process can occur in various ways, but usually involves the use of solvents or supercritical CO2 to remove caffeine from raw coffee beans before roasting. Decaffeinated coffee has significantly lower caffeine content than regular coffee, but may still contain a small amount of residual caffeine. Typically, decaffeinated coffee is chosen by those who want to enjoy the flavor of coffee without the stimulating effects of caffeine.
        • Drupa: is the fruit of the coffee tree similar to a cherry . It is a spherical red or yellow berry, approximately 1-2 cm in diameter, which contains two seeds, namely the coffee beans . The outer part of the drupe is called the pulp, while the protective covering of the seed is called parchment. The coffee beans are extracted from the cherries through a manufacturing process that involves the removal of the pulp and parchment, before moving on to roasting and preparing the drink. The quality of the drupe has a significant impact on the quality of the coffee produced, which is why coffee experts take care of it carefully t83>selection and the lprocessing.
        frutto della pianta di caffè


        • Espresso: is a method of brewing coffee in which hot water is forced to pass through a compact, finely ground amount of coffee in short time, generally between 20 and 25 seconds. This extraction process produces a very intense, thick and creamy coffee drink, with a characteristic layer of hazelnut colored cream on the surface. The amount of coffee used for a single espresso is generally around 7 grams, while the amount of water is around 30-40 ml. Espresso is a very popular drink around the world and is often consumed as a base for other coffee drinks such as cappuccino, latte macchiato and Americano.
        espresso - metodo di preparazione caffè
          • Natural drying: the fruits are harvested from the coffee plants and left to dry in the sun for several weeks, until the outer pulp dries completely and becomes easy to remove. Once the external pulp has dried, the coffee beans remain inside, and this natural drying process gives them a characteristic and intense flavour, with notes of dried fruit or tropical fruit. Once the pulp is completely dry, the beans are then removed from the pulp and selected for roasting.
          essicazione naturale caffè
          • Extraction: is the process of preparing coffee in which hot water is passed through ground coffee to extract its soluble compounds. During extraction, the hot water dissolves coffee compounds, such as flavor, caffeine and oils, creating a tasty and stimulating drink. The extraction can be done with different methodologies, such as espresso, filter, moka or the immersion method. The correct extraction of coffee is a crucial factor for obtaining a high quality drink.


          • Fine Robusta: a variety of green coffee that is evaluated based on specific quality criteria. In particular, on a sample of 350 grams, there must be no primary defects, therefore falling into category 1, and they cannot exceed five secondary defects, falling into category 2. As regards roasted coffee, on a sample of 100 grams, the maximum presence of three light-colored beans known as "quakers" can be allowed. Finally, the coffee is evaluated through a cup tasting process using a specific "Fine Robusta" card, and must achieve a final score of at least 80 points or higher.
          • French Press: is a method of preparing coffee that uses a cylindrical jug with a lid equipped with a pressure plunger to infuse and filter the ground coffee . Once the right amount of coarsely ground coffee has been poured in, hot water is added, mixed, left to infuse for 4-5 minutes, the plunger is slowly pressed to filter the coffee, poured and served. The coffee obtained has a rich and full body, thanks to the presence of oil and coffee solids. The French press produces a dense and full-bodied coffee thanks to the extraction of oils and aromas.
          french press - metodo di preparazione caffè


          • Particle size: refers to the size of the ground coffee particles. It varies from fine to coarse and affects the extraction of the coffee during brewing. A finer grind accelerates the extraction, producing an intense coffee, while a coarser grind slows the extraction, producing a more delicate coffee. The choice of the right grain size depends on the preparation method and personal taste preferences. It is important to find a balance between grinding and extraction time to obtain a good cup of coffee.
          • Taste: sensations perceived on the tongue when drinking coffee. These sensations are mainly sweet, sour, salty and bitter, but can also include other nuances such as the taste of chocolate, nuts, fruit, flowers and spices. The taste depends on several factors, such as the coffee variety, cultivation method, roasting and coffee extraction. In general, a good coffee must have a balanced and harmonious taste, with the right combination of sweetness, acidity and bitterness.


          • Honey process: is a method of processing coffee beans that lies between the natural process and the washed process. During this process, the outer husk of the grain is removed, but some of the mucilaginous sugar remains attached to the grain. Next, the beans are dried, allowing the mucilage to ferment and crystallize, creating a distinctive sweetness and complex flavor profile in the final coffee. The Honey process is widely used in the production of specialty coffees to create unique and aromatic cups of coffee.


          • Ibrik: also known as cezve or briki, is a small tulip-shaped pot used to prepare Turkish coffee. It is made of copper or brass and comes with a long handle to avoid burning your hands while preparing. The Ibrik has a unique and specific form for the preparation of Turkish coffee, which involves a particular mixture of very finely ground coffee, water and sugar, brought slowly to the boil to produce a dense and aromatic drink.
          ibrik caffè turco
          • Infusion: method of preparation in which hot water is passed through the ground coffee so that the water infuses with the coffee solutes, i.e. the oils , sugars, acids and caffeine. Coffee brewing is often used to make filter coffee or drip coffee. In this brewing method, hot water is passed through a filter that holds the ground coffee and allows water to pass through it, capturing the flavor of the coffee. The infusion can be done cold or hot and can vary in duration and temperature based on the preparation method and personal taste.


          • Jebena: indicates a particular traditional coffee maker used in Ethiopia and Eritrea for the preparation of coffee. It is a pear-shaped terracotta or ceramic container with a long, narrow neck that ends with a spout. The jebena is placed directly on the heat source and the coffee is prepared through a infusion process that occurs slowly, producing an aromatic drink with an intense flavour. The preparation of coffee with jebena is a very ancient tradition and represents an important social ritual in many East African communities.
          Jebena - caffettiera tradizionale Etiopia ed Eritrea


          • Washed: coffee bean processing technique, used especially for the Arabic. During this process, the beans are immersed in water to remove the pulp and sugary substances that can affect the final flavor of the coffee. Subsequently, the beans are dried in the sun or in special machines. The end result is a coffee with a cleaner and more defined flavor than natural or fermented coffees. Washed processing is particularly widespread in countries such as Costa Rica, Guatemala and Rwanda, where high quality coffee is produced.


          • Grinding: process of reducing coffee beans to powder. It is essential for preparing a quality cup of coffee, as it affects the exposed surface of the coffee beans and therefore the speed at which the aromas and flavors of the coffee are extracted. It can be adjusted according to the coffee preparation method you intend to use. For example, the coffee grind for espresso must be very fine to ensure good extraction quickly, while the coffee grind for the French press must be coarser to allow the coffee beans to brew for a period of time longer. Furthermore, the coffee grind can also influence the flavor and aroma of the coffee, so it is important to find the right grind to obtain the desired coffee.
          • Blend: combination of different types of coffee beans from different regions and countries, generally with different organoleptic characteristics. The coffee blend can be created to obtain a specific aromatic profile or to achieve a balance between the flavours, aromas and body of the different coffee beans. It can be composed of coffee beans of different varieties and geographical origins. For example, a coffee blend may contain Arabica and Robusta coffee beans from different countries or geographic regions. The blend can also be created using different roasting techniques to achieve a range of specific flavours, aromas and scents. Typically, the coffee blend is used to produce a coffee that has a uniform and consistent aromatic profile over time, although the characteristics of the coffee beans can vary depending on the seasons and vintages.
          • Single origin: coffee produced exclusively from beans grown and harvested from a single variety of coffee plant in a single place of origin, which can be a entire region, a plantation or a particular geographical area. Single origin coffee has a distinctive flavor profile, which reflects the characteristics of the terroir, i.e. the climate, soil and altitude of the place where the coffee was grown. They can have complex flavors and aromas, which can be influenced by the variety of coffee plant, the processing process and the roasting. They are usually carefully selected by quality coffee producers and roasters, who seek to obtain the maximum expression of the organoleptic characteristics of the coffee from a specific geographic region.Discover all the differences between Blend and Single Origin 
          • Moka: also called moka coffee maker, it is a tool used to prepare coffee at home. The moka coffee maker is made up of three main parts: the boiler, the removable funnel filter and the upper jug ​​or collector, equipped with a second filter held in place by a rubber gasket. Discover how to prepare a perfect coffee with the moka.


          • Neapolitancoffee maker also known as "cuccumella" or "Neapolitan machine", it is a traditional method of preparing coffee originating from the city of Naples, in Italy. It consists of three parts: a lower base, a filter in the center and an upper container. Coffee is brewed by passing hot water through ground coffee to produce a thick, aromatic drink.


          • Percolation: coffee extraction technique which involves passing hot water through a bed of ground coffee. This extraction process allows you to extract the soluble components of coffee, such as oils, sugars and acids, and create an aromatic and tasty drink. It can be performed in different ways, for example through pressure, as in the preparation of espresso coffee, or through the gravitational effect, as in the preparation of coffee with the French press.
          • Pergamino: is a thin and hard protective layer that envelops the coffee bean during its growth and development. Removing the parchment is an essential step in the coffee processing process. This layer helps protect the bean during drying and storage. Once removed, the coffee bean is ready for roasting and preparing the coffee drink.
          • Picking: refers to the selective harvesting of fruits, in particular, it is used in the cultivation of high quality coffee and allows you to obtain an excellent and homogeneous raw material. It is carried out by hand, so as to select only the ripe fruits and leave those that are still green or too ripe. This attention to the selection of fruits allows us to obtain a higher quality coffee, with a more intense and distinct aroma and taste. Furthermore, picking allows you to avoid contamination of the harvest with immature or damaged fruit, which could negatively affect the quality of the final product.
          raccolta selettiva frutti del caffè


            • Pour over: is a manual method of brewing coffee that involves the controlled pouring of hot water onto ground coffee through a paper filter. This technique allows the coffee to be extracted slowly and precisely, creating a clean and aromatically balanced drink. It is a method appreciated by lovers of artisanal coffee for its ability to highlight the unique characteristics of the coffee and offer complete control over the extraction process.
            metodo manuale preparazione caffè


              • Pressing: is an important operation in the preparation of espresso coffee, which consists in the uniform and constant compression of the ground coffee inside the filter holder, in order to guarantee correct extraction of the coffee and obtain a creamy and tasty espresso coffee. This operation is essential to guarantee correct extraction of the coffee, as the uniform and constant pressing of the ground coffee helps to create a flat and compact surface, allowing hot water to flow through the coffee evenly.
              • Pre-infusion: is an important phase in the preparation of espresso, which consists in humidifying the coffee through the passage of a small quantity of hot water before dispensing the actual espresso. This phase helps to obtain a greater aromatic-tasting yield of the coffee, with a denser cream and a more balanced flavour.


              • Q-Grader: are qualified and certified professionals who have successfully completed the training and certification program of the Association of Coffee Specialists (Coffee Quality Institute - CQI). The title of Q-grader is recognized internationally and certifies competence in evaluating coffee according to specific quality standards. They play a key role in ensuring and promoting the quality of coffee around the world, helping to set standards and ensure that coffee meets certain criteria of excellence.


              • Cooling: is an important phase of the roasting process, which serves to rapidly decrease the temperature of the coffee beans and stop the roasting process . This process is essential to prevent the coffee from becoming over-roasted and burnt, while maintaining its natural oils and flavors.
              • Aftertaste: refers to the sensation of taste and aroma that is perceived after drinking the coffee. This aspect is important to evaluate the quality of the coffee and to fully appreciate the complexity of flavors and aromas. It can be described in different shades, such as "chocolaty", "fruity", "woody", "spicy" and so on, depending on the flavors and aromas that emerge after drinking the coffee.
              • Ristretto: is an espresso coffee prepared with less water than a normal espresso coffee. The result is a coffee with an intense and strong taste, with a greater concentration of aromas and flavors.
              • Robusta: is a variety of coffee that derives from the botanical species Coffea canephora. This type of coffee is known for its strong, bitter flavor and for its higher caffeine content than Arabica . Native to central Africa, it is grown mainly in hot and humid regions such as Vietnam, Indonesia and India.


              • Semi-washed: is a coffee processing method that combines elements of the washed process and the natural process. After harvesting, the coffee cherries are stripped of their outer skin and placed in water for a short fermentation. Subsequently, they are dried, leaving a thin film of mucilage attached to the beans. Semi-washed coffee has a complex taste with fruity notes and bright acidity. It is a popular choice for high-quality coffees.
              • Specialty coffees: are high quality coffees which stand out for their exceptional organoleptic characteristics and their traceable origin. To be classified as Specialty Coffee, these coffees must score at least 80 points on the Cupping Score sensory evaluation scale. They are often grown by small producers who use sustainable and environmentally friendly cultivation methods.
              • Stripping: harvesting method which can be carried out both manually and mechanically, but only on large extensions, where the rows are well spaced from each other, allowing the passage of special machines. In both cases, the fruits and leaves are stripped from the branches. Stripping is the quickest and most economical method, although it has the disadvantage of an uneven harvest with consequent damage to the plants.
              • Syphon: is a brewing method that uses a combination of heat, pressure and filtering to extract the coffee. It consists of two separate chambers, an upper and a lower one, connected by a glass or metal tube. During the process, water is heated in the lower chamber and then rises to the upper chamber, where it is mixed with the ground coffee. After a short brewing period, the coffee flows into the lower chamber through the connecting tube and is filtered through a cloth or metal filter. The Siphon produces a cup of coffee rich in aromas and with a light body.
              syphon - metodo preparazione caffè


              • Toasting/Roasting: process which involves the exposure of green coffee beans using special roasting machines, where the coffee, at a temperature around 210°- 220° C, completes the roasting process in 14-16 min (roasting parameters depend on the type of roaster).This process develops through constant roasting curves specifically designed, blend by blend, and controlled via a sophisticated computerized method. During roasting, a series of chemical reactions take place that give the coffee its characteristic brown color and aromatic flavour. The roasting process affects the final result of the drink and can affect the taste, aroma and complexity of the coffee.
              tostatura chicchi caffè


                • Turkish: is a method of preparing coffee originating in Turkey and other countries in the Mediterranean area and the Middle East. A special hourglass-shaped coffee maker, called "cezve" or "ibrik" made of copper or brass, is used, in which the coffee is boiled with water and sugar, without the use of filters, creating a thick and creamy mixture. It is served in small cups, together with the coffee infusion, and often accompanied by sweets or biscuits. After preparation, Turkish coffee is served in small cups, taking care not to spill any coffee powder left on the bottom.


                • Umami: relatively to coffee it refers to the complex, pleasant and round flavour that is felt in the drink, thanks to the presence of compounds such as chlorogenic acids, polysaccharides and sugars. These compounds help enrich the taste of coffee.


                • Variety: refers to the different types of Coffea Arabica and Coffea Robusta, which are the two main species of coffee plants coffees grown all over the world. There are numerous varieties within these two species, each of which has unique characteristics such as flavor, acidity, sweetness and disease resistance. The choice of variety significantly influences the taste and organoleptic characteristics of the coffee. Coffee experts carefully choose the varieties to use in their blends to achieve the desired flavor.
                • Velvety: sensation of creaminess and softness that coffee can leave on the tongue and palate, often accompanied by a delicate sweetness. This sensation can be achieved through correct selection of coffee varieties, precise roasting and careful preparation of the coffee.
                • V60: is a conical filter coffee maker developed by Hario, which allows you to prepare a cup of clean tasting coffee and aromatic. Its V shape with a bottom hole allows for precise control of water flow during extraction. You insert a paper filter, add the ground coffee and pour the hot water in a circular pattern. The V60 is loved by coffee lovers for its ability to highlight the characteristics of the coffee beans and allows customization of the preparation process.
                caffettiera a filtro conica


                • Zones: geographical areas in which the coffee plant is grown. There are three main coffee production areas in the world: Latin America, Africa and Asia. Each of these areas produces coffee with distinct organoleptic characteristics and flavor profiles, influenced by different factors such as climate, altitude, soil and cultivation methods. Knowledge of coffee areas can be helpful in better understanding and appreciating the different varieties of coffee available on the market.