Brazil: world excellence in the production of Arabica coffee

For a long time, Brazil has established itself as a world leader in the production and export of coffee, a sector which drives the excellence of Brazilian agri-food. Not only is Brazil known as the largest producer of Arabica coffee in the world, but it is also the second largest consumer market for this drink. Brazilian coffee is a "Made in Brazil" product that boasts the highest number of Geographical Indications (GI) registered with the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI). This aspect not only highlights the excellence of coffee in terms of quality, but also its deep connection with the landscape, history, territory and national culture. The Brazilian regions where coffee is grown are characterized by a natural beauty which translates into a product with a special, authentic and unique flavour.

Coffee in Brazilian culture

Coffee has always been a symbol of hospitality, friendliness and joy of the Brazilian people. In addition to being a daily drink, coffee also plays an important role in sociality, and its production and consumption tell a bit of the country's economic and cultural history. In Brazil, breakfast is often called "o café da manhã", i.e. "morning coffee". This demonstrates the importance of coffee in the daily routine and social life of Brazilians.

Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, the remarkable success of coffee plantations in the southeastern region of Brazil led to a surplus of income that supported the drive toward industrialization in the country. This thriving sector has played a vital role in the economic development and industrial transformation of the country. São Paulo, the leading coffee-producing state at the time, attracted large numbers of Italian immigrants who worked on coffee plantations or in the nascent industry. Even today, the influence of Italian immigration is felt in the presence of Italian descendants in coffee producing factories located in regions such as Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, São Paulo, Bahia and Paraná. These regions, characterized by extraordinary natural beauty, are places where different varieties of coffee are grown, including Catuaí, Catuaí Amarelo, Bourbon Amarelo and Acaiá.

Brazil: the ideal place to grow Arabica coffee

brasile: una eccellenza mondiale nella produzione di caffè arabica

Brazil offers an ideal environment for growing Arabica coffee. The country's mountainous regions, such as São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo, enjoy moderate altitudes, stable temperatures and abundant seasonal rainfall. These conditions create a perfect habitat for growing high-quality coffee plants, which require temperatures between 15°C and 24°C to thrive.

The size of the Brazilian coffee industry

The coffee industry in Brazil is extremely developed and well organized. The country holds the record as the world's largest producer and exporter of coffee,representing approximately 28% of the certified coffee marketed worldwide.
The Brazilian coffee supply chain generates approximately 8 million jobs, and approximately 72% of coffee producers are made up of small producers and family producers.
Brazil still preserves 60% of its native vegetation and uses approximately 7.6% of the territory for agricultural production.
Brazilian plantations span large areas of land, allowing large-scale production. Furthermore, Brazil has developed advanced coffee processing, harvesting and selection systems, ensuring constant and uniform quality. The country has a growing commitment to sustainability and traceability, and is increasing the presence of organic coffee.

Variety of terroirs and distinctive flavors

What makes Brazilian coffee so special are the distinctive flavors that emerge from the different regions of the country. Thanks to Geographical Indications (GI), Indications of Provenance (IP) and Designations of Origin (DO), Brazil offers an incredible range of terroirs, each with unique characteristics that are reflected in the flavor profiles of Arabica coffee.
Through Geographical Indications, you will have the opportunity to learn about the different regions of Brazil and their unique characteristics related to coffee production.

    The Indication of Provenance (IP) Alta Mogiana was recognized in 2013. This region has been associated with coffee production for over 100 years and has always been a center of quality in the industry. Located north of the State of Sao Paulo, Alta Mogiana is characterized by a plateau with mountains that reach altitudes between 900 and 1000 meters. The climatic conditions of the region, with average monthly temperatures of 21°C in summer and 17°C in winter, favor slow and uniform maturation of the coffee beans. Varieties of fine Arabica coffee are grown here, including Catuaí, Mundo Novo, Bourbon and Obatã. The coffee from Alta Mogiana is characterized by its velvety and creamy consistency, a fruity aroma enriched by delicate nuances of chocolate and nuts, a balanced and moderate acidity, as well as a persistent aftertaste that gives a caramelized sweetness and hints of chocolate dark. It is a full-bodied coffee, ideal for preparing an excellent espresso. 

    The Indication of Provenance (IP) Campo das Vertentes was recognized in 2020. This IP concerns green coffee beans and industrialized roasted and ground coffee beans. The Indication of Provenance (IP) covers a large geographical area spanning 17 municipalities in the picturesque state of Minas Gerais. These municipalities include Bom Sucesso, Camacho, Campo Belo, Cana Verde, Candeias, Carmo da Mata, Conceição da Barra de Minas, Ibirité, Nazareno, Oliveira, Perdões, Ritápolis, Santana do Jacaré, Santo Antônio do Amparo, São João del Rei, São Francisco de Paula and São Tiago. The region is characterized by the presence of plateaus, with altitudes ranging from 500 to 1000 metres. The mild climate of the region, with cool, rainy summers and very cold winters in the higher areas, contributes to the production of a sweet coffee, with a balanced body and notes of chocolate.

    The Designation of Origin (DO) Caparaó was recognized in 2021. This DO refers to Arabica coffee grown in the Caparaó region, which extends to the border between the states of Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo. The combination of climate, soil and processing traditions produces a unique coffee, characterized by a remarkable balance between acidity, sweetness and aromas. The geographical area of ​​the DO Caparaó includes ten municipalities in the State of Espirito Santo and six in Minas Gerais.
    The list of municipalities included in the State of Espirito Santo includes: Dores do Rio Preto, Divino de São Lourenço, Guaçuí, Alegre, Muniz Freire, Ibitirama, Iúna, Irupi, Ibatiba and São José do Calçado. Furthermore, we also have Espera Feliz, Caparaó, Alto Caparaó, Manhumirim, Alto Jequitibá and Martins Soares, located in the beautiful state of Minas Gerais. This region produces Arabica coffee with unique sensory profiles, in which balance, acidity, sweetness and a variety of aromas can be appreciated.
    The Indication of Provenance (IP) Espírito Santo was recognized in 2021. The State of Espírito Santo is considered a point of national and international rreference in the development of coniloncoffee. Although the cultivation of this variety began in 1912, it developed mainly from the 1960s onwards due to a crisis in the coffee sector which led to the elimination of many plantations. In recent years, good agricultural practices have been introduced and the quality standards of conilon coffee have improved significantly. conilon coffee, belonging to the Coffea Canephora species, presents intense aromas and flavors, a dense and creamy body, modulated acidity and a soft finish. Cultivation occurs primarily in regions with higher temperatures and lower altitudes, giving coffee distinctive chocolate and almond characteristics at lower altitudes and more floral and fruity characteristics at higher altitudes.
    The Designation of Origin (DO) Matas de Rondônia was recognized in 2021. This DO refers to coffee produced in the Matas de Rondônia region, which represents 80% of the region's coffee production. Matas de Rondônia coffee is the result of the cross between the Conilon and Robusta varieties, selected over the years by local producers and called Robustas Amazônicos. The climatic and soil conditions favor a maturation cycle that gives the coffee sweetness, notes of chocolate, wood, fruit, spices, roots and herbs. The region is also committed to conserving 80% of the native vegetation on rural properties.
    The Indication of Provenance (IP) Matas de Minas was recognized in 2020. This region of the state of Minas Gerais has established itself as an important producer of raw, processed, roasted and ground coffee. The Matas de Minas region witnessed the beginning of coffee cultivation in the 1970s, soon becoming the main agricultural product of the area. Thanks to favorable environmental conditions, including altitude, temperature, rainfall and soil, coffee cultivation has thrived in the region. The 64 municipalities in the area show a traditional footprint in coffee cultivation, keeping production practices alive. Matas de Minas are gaining recognition in the national and international market for producing specialty coffee, with numerous awards won in coffee quality competitions. This region offers a variety of sensory profiles, allowing you to appreciate the tradition and craftsmanship in coffee production.

    The Designation of Origin (DO) Mantiqueira de Minas was recognized in 2020. This region, located in the State of Minas Gerais, has a long tradition in the production of high quality coffee. The terroir of the region, with an altitude between 900 and 1500 metres, the climate and the environment, favor the production of specialty coffees. Coffee cultivation has been rooted for the fourth or fifth generation, demonstrating the potential of the region and the commitment of the farmers. The DO Mantiqueira de Minas guarantees the consumer a unique coffee, characterized by sweetness, light citrus acidity and distinctive sensorial qualities. The governance of the region is entrusted to cooperatives and unions of rural producers.

    The Designation of Origin (DO) Montanhas do Espírito Santo was recognized in 2021. The coffee produced in the mountains of the State of Espírito Santo is distinguished by its strong and bright acidity, the chocolate and cane molasses aroma. Natural factors, such as altitude ranging from 500 to 1400 meters and average annual temperatures from 18 to 22 degrees Celsius, influence the characteristics of the region's coffee. The higher regions offer more exotic notes, while the lower regions present more woody, cereal and astringent notes. Human factors, such as artisanal planting and harvesting methods, contribute to coffee's unique characteristics. The wet and natural processing affects the sensorial profile, with notes of sugar cane molasses, red fruit, caramel for the wet-processed coffee, and notes of wine, yellow fruit and chocolate for naturally processed coffee.

    The Indication of Provenance (IP) Oeste da Bahia was recognized in 2019. This region extends mainly in the Cerrado area and coffee cultivation takes place at altitudes above 700 meters. The deep and diverse soil together with good water conditions favor irrigated coffee cultivation. The coffee produced in the Oeste da Bahia region is characterized by a pleasant flavor with sweetness, light citrus acidity and a good fragrance. Average temperatures between 22 and 26 degrees Celsius and an average altitude of 800 meters create favorable conditions for the development of Arabica coffee.

    The Indication of Provenance (IP) Norte Pioneiro do Paraná was recognized in 2012. The Region of Mantiqueira de Minas, located in the State of Minas Gerais, was recognized as a Designation of Origin (DO) in 2020. This region has a long tradition of producing high-quality coffee. Thanks to the altitude that varies between 900 and 1500 meters, the climate and the favorable environment, the region is suitable for the production of specialty coffee. Coffee farming has deep roots, with farmers having been growing coffee for the fourth or fifth generation. In 2000, the Geographical Indication was launched to recognize the sensory quality of coffee. In June 2020, the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) awarded the official recognition of "Denomination of Origin", confirming the unique characteristics of coffee linked to natural and human factors . The DO Mantiqueira de Minas guarantees consumers a unique product, with sweetness, light citrus acidity and a governance entrusted to the COCARIVE, COOPERRITA, COOPERVASS cooperatives and the Rural Producers Unions.
    The Indication of Provenance (IP) Região de Pinhal was recognized in 2016. Coffee cultivation has ancient roots in this region, dating back as far as 1850, and has played a fundamental role in the development and progress of the area. Located on the Paulista side of the Serra da Mantiqueira, the Região Mogiana de Pinhal includes 16 municipalities with Arabica coffee plantations covering an area of ​​43.992 hectares. The mild climate of the region, with an average annual temperature between 14°C and 21°C, contributes to the formation of a coffee characterized by balance between body, acidity and sweetness, with an intense aroma and a long finish. Coffee cultivation in the region occurs through artisanal methods, both by manual harvesting on sheets and by mechanized harvesting.

    The Denomination of Origin (DO) and the Indication of Provenance (IP) Região do Cerrado Mineiro have been recognized respectively in 2014 and 2005. The coffee grown in the Cerrado Mineiro Region is the result of the harmonious combination between the unique climatic conditions of the area and the high quality of the cultivated coffee plants. Well-defined climatic seasons, with hot, humid summers and mild, dry winters, are a distinctive feature of the region. All the cities that make up the region are located at altitudes above 800 meters, which contributes to the production of high-quality coffee beans. Região do Cerrado Mineiro coffee is known for attributes such as sweetness, accentuated body, pleasant citrus acidity and a wide range of aromas, including chocolate, caramel, floral and fruity citrus. The region stands out for the production of Specialty and Superior coffee.

The different regions of Brazil offer a wide range of terroirs, each with unique characteristics that influence the flavors of Arabica coffee. For example, coffees produced in the Minas Gerais region are known for their soft and sweet body, which envelops the palate delicately. On the contrary, coffees from Espírito Santo offer a fruitier taste, with aromatic notes reminiscent of tropical fruits. This variety of flavor profiles allows consumers to experience a wide range of flavor options from one country, Brazil.
Brazil, with its Geographical Indications, Indications of Origin and Designations of Origin, is confirmed as "The Coffee Nation", a place where coffee is much more than a product: it is a symbol of national identity, hospitality and excellence.

Sustainability and traceability in the Brazilian coffee sector:

Brazil is a world leader in sustainable and traceable coffee production. With a growing commitment to responsible agricultural practices, the country positions itself as the leading producer of certified coffee globally. Approximately 28% of certified coffee marketed worldwide comes from Brazil, demonstrating the country's dedication to environmental sustainability and the well-being of local communities.

Innovation and technology in coffee production

Brazil is at the forefront of innovation and technology applied to coffee production. Brazilian farmers use advanced cultivation techniques, such as mechanization, controlled irrigation and the use of soil monitoring systems. This has contributed toincreasing productivity, improving quality and ensuring environmental sustainability in the coffee sector.

Global impact and influence on the market

The production of Arabica coffee in Brazil has a significant impact on the global coffee market. Brazil represents about a third of the world's Arabica coffee production and its exports influence coffee prices and availability internationally. The quality and quantity of Brazilian coffee play a key role in meeting the growing global demand for high-quality coffee.

In conclusion, Brazil has earned a prominent place in the world as the leading producer of Arabica coffee, thanks to its favorable environmental conditions, well-structured coffee industry and innovation in production. Brazilian coffees offer a wide range of distinctive flavors, satisfying the palates of consumers around the world. With its continued influence on the global coffee market, Brazil remains a powerhouse in the industry, promoting coffee culture and maintaining its reputation as a producer of excellence.

Cellini Caffè is an Italian high-quality coffee company that has a strong connection with Brazil. The company is committed to selecting and importing only the best Brazilian coffee beans. Furthermore, it works closely with Brazilian producers, promoting strong collaboration and supporting sustainable practices in coffee cultivation and processing. Thanks to this connection, Cellini Caffè is able to offer its customers high quality coffee, characterized by the distinctive flavors characteristic of Brazil. The company is also committed to ensuring the traceability and quality of its products, offering an authentic and unique experience to consumers.